Process Technology

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Click here for Process Technology Program Curriculum

About the Process Technology Career Pathway:

Process technicians monitor and control industry equipment and processes. They are vital to the success of our economy. They are highly trained individuals who work in a wide range of industries.
In Alaska, major employers include oil & gas, mining and power generation companies.

Process technology has become increasingly complex as industry incorporates more computer-based operations. Operators need skills in computing, teamwork, problem solving, regulatory compliance, and troubleshooting.

ATC's program prepares highly qualified and trained individuals to serve industry. We offer a full two-year associate degree Graduates are work-ready for high-paying jobs in Alaska and beyond.

ATC programs in this Career Pathway include:
• One-year certificate
• Two-year Associate degree

Industry Certification:

ATC courses meet the requirements of the North American Process Technology Alliance.

College Credit:

ATC Courses are aligned with University of Alaska, Fairbanks certificate and degree programs, and are available for college dual credit. A full associate degree is available in Process Technology.

Process Industry Partners

• Teck Alaska
• Shell Alaska Venture
• Conoco Phillips
• Alaska Pipeline Training Center
• Kotzebue Electric Association
• College of the Mainland in Texas City, TX

All ATC students learn:
• Employability, ethics and human relations
• Safety and Red Cross Standard First Aide/CPR

Process Technology students learn:
• Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness
• Process Equipment
• Instrumentation
• Process Systems
• Process Operations
• Troubleshooting
• Oil and Gas Production
• Quality for the Process Industries
• Mathematics
• Chemistry
• Physical Science
• Communications
• Human Relations



Process Technology Program Tuition:

(costs are per semester)

$ 12,837.00

$ 7,037.00