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Principals, secretaries, and DO staff, click the above link to log into PS Admin. Click on the links below to access how-to guides regarding PowerSchool. If you have any issues/questions please contact Dave Smith 907-442-1857.
Student Registrations, Drops, Transfers
Substitute Teacher Attendance - Directions for substitute teachers to log in and enter attendance.
Enrollment packets are available on the District Forms page.
Show Dropped/Additional Classes - How to view a student's past grades and attendance, and current courses from other sites (like VTC).
Scheduling Students
To enroll students in VTC classes contact David Smith or Robin Gage. Directions for this are specific to the school year and classes that are available.
Mass Enroll Guide- How to enroll a group of either homeroom and MS/HS students (by grade or picking them by hand) into classes.
Enroll Individual Students- How to enroll individual students into classes, can be used for both homeroom and MS/HS students.
Change Class Enrollment Dates- How to edit class enrollment dates if you put a student in classes on the wrong date.
Activities & Eligibility Reports
Coming later in 2024...
Report Cards/Progress Reports, General Grading
Running Progress Reports- Directions on how to run progress reports. All students (PK-12) get progress reports from PowerSchool).
Running Report Cards- Directions on how to run report cards. All students (PK-12) get report cards from PowerSchool.
Honor Roll Report and Certificates- Directions on how to run a report to view your honor roll students and print honor roll certificates.
Running Transcripts- How to run transcripts for a single student or group of students.
End of Quarter flowchart- Use this at the end of 1st and 3rd quarter.
End of Semester flowchart- Use this at the end of 1st and 2nd semester (also the end of 2nd and 4th quarter).
Gradebook Verification- (aka Section Readiness) This report will show which classes have not been verified. This step must be done before grades are stored and report cards can be printed.
Attendance Functions/Reports
Attendance Letters- Directions on how to run the attendance letters in PowerSchool. This should be done at least twice a week.
Mass Attendance Change- Directions on how to modify student attendance for multiple students for a date range at one time.
Attendance Summary by Grade- The most commonly used attendance report, shows attendance % for each grade and your whole site for a date range.
Perfect Attendance- How to search for students with perfect attendance and print a certificate.
Student Attendance %- Run this report to see the attendance % of each student. Useful for incentives and end-of-quarter rewards!
Consecutive Absences- Steps on how to run a report to find students who have missed classes for consecutive days. Use this to find students that have stopped coming to school or to specific classes. Also useful in finding students that may need to be dropped.
Attachments- How to upload files into PowerSchool; birth certificates, immunization records, diplomas, etc.
Enable 'Smart Search'- A very useful feature in PowerSchool that helps you find students and use stored searches. Everyone should enable this.
PS Access for Parents- A simple report you can run to give parents info on how to create a PowerSchool account to track their student's attendance, grades, lunch balance, etc.
Suspensions- Directions on how to enter a suspension.
Mailing Labels- How to print mailing labels or run a report that will print directly onto a blank envelope, or an envelope that has a return address already on it.
Mailing Labels for Second Address- How to enter a second mailing address for a student and then print mailing labels for all students with a second mailing address.
Lunch barcodes by grade- Lunch ID's can be printed 30/page, follow these directions to print them by grade level.
Lunch barcodes by teacher- Lunch ID's can also be printed by teachers.
Quick Export- Directions to pick a group of students and export their information into a spreadsheet.
Family Management Guide- Quick guide to managing families.
Graduated Student Transcripts- How to run transcripts for graduated students, who are no longer enrolled in your school in PowerSchool.