School District Finance Q & A
How does the District prioritize spending?
The District's Board prioritizes spending based on the needs of students region wide as well as on the Strategic Plan & Board priorities.
How is NWABSD's State funding calculated?
The State Foundation formula is the State's way of equally funding School District's accross the State. We receive State funding based on the average daily enrollment of our students in October (October count). Our funding is calculated by each school, then multiplied by other cost factors, and then multiplied by the Base Student Allocation (BSA) of $5930. The state also deducts eligible federal Impact Aid to equalize funding accross the state.
What is the purpose of a Financial Audit?
The purpose of a financial audit is to hold the District responsible for the funding that they receive as well as show that they are complying with Federal, State, and Local regulations.
What is the District's 2021-2022 General Fund Budget?
The 2021-2022 School Year (FY22) General Fund Budget is $60,545,339.
What are the District's sources of funding?
The School District receives funding from Federal, State, and Local funds. Out of these funds, the State contributes the largest amount of funding to our School District.
What should School District funds be used for?
Facilities, textbooks, supplies, and salaries & benefits of personnel. Most of our funding is used on staffing our schools and the operation & maintenance of our School facilities.