Northwest Arctic Borough

The Northwest Arctic Borough covers approximately 36,000 square miles in Northwest Alaska. It is the second largest Borough in Alaska and is roughly the size of the state of Indiana. Its current population is roughly 7,300. Its landmass encompasses the drainages of five major rivers: Wulik, Noatak, Kobuk, Selawik, and Buckland.

Kotzebue is the seat of the borough government and the location of all other regional, state, and federal headquarters, as well as the home to NANA Corporation (regional Native corporation), Maniilaq Association (regional non-profit tribal consortium), the Northwest Arctic Borough School District and the Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority. The Northwest Arctic Borough, formed in June 1986, is a home rule borough and the local political sub-division of the State of Alaska. The Borough has an eleven member assembly, a seven member planning commission, and a fifteen member staff.

Northwest Arctic Borough website